Blog // Read articles about Anglesey and our special walks

Heathland and Seals
Yesterday we had summer for just one day. The maritime heathland is just beginning to flower, first out is the cross-leaved heath (or bog heather) ...

Amazing diversity of wildlife
Walked from the school in Rhoscolyn today, just a short walk of 2 miles to the coast. The sheltered lane soon passes a reedbed, where ...

Last chance to see puffins, guillemots and razorbills this year!
From South Stack lighthouse steps there are fantastic views of guillemots, razorbills and puffins at the moment. The sound of the young birds chirruping is ...

Fabulous walking and checking out the puffins at South Stack
The coastal path between Porth Dafarch and South Stack is quiet, beautiful and on this day gorgeously hot. Raven, chough and feeding terns are often ...

Aber Falls, Snowdonia
Walked here yesterday, was fab. Rain rain rain but never mind.

Summer Solstice Wildlife Walks
Discover bird life, wild flowers, Welsh names for wildlife and traditional uses of plants, at this special time of year. Summer solstice, or mid-summer’s day is ...

The Red Billed Chough
The Red-billed Chough or Chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, is a bird in the crow family; it is one of only two species in the genus Pyrrhocorax. ...

About Anglesey
Anglesey (Welsh: Ynys Môn), is an island and, as Isle of Anglesey, a county off the north west coast of Wales. Two bridges, spanning the ...